===== N2WS CPM ===== {{tag>aws linux n2ws cpm letsencrypt}} As of 2018-03-11 I have was having issues with using a Lets Encrypt SSL certificate on my N2WS CPM server. I found that the apache server was not providing the intermediary certificate when provided in a chained format in "SSLCertificateFile /opt/n2wsoftware/cert/cpm_server.crt". To resolve the issue I explicitly provided apache with the location of the intermediary certificate by adding the following configuration line to /etc/apache2/httpd.conf ; SSLCertificateChainFile \ /etc/letsencrypt/live/SUB.DOMAIN.TLD/chain.pem === Installation/Upgrade === * Launch from AWS Market Place * Attach CPM IAM Role (add ssm for ec2 policy) * Associate EIP * Associate SWAP EBS volume as /dev/sdg (sdf is reserved for data drive) * SSH and attach swap volume and add to fstab * Install LetsEncrypt certbot (stop and start apache) * Install SSL Cert * Configure CPM and attach exiting data drive (part of upgrading) * wait for 15-20 minutes * reboot instance (main page will show it needs to be configured until you reboot) * should work * ssh to instance and install SSM agent